Friday, August 5, 2011

I married my best friend Ray 17 years ago today.
This is for my bestest friend in the world.
Happy Anniversary Ray.
Have a great weekend everyone.


  1. Congratulations and here is to another VERY HAPPY 17 years!
    Love is a blessing, and obviously you two are abundantly blessed!
    ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ :-)


    P.S. Don't do anything I wouldn't do....that leaves the door wide open..hehe!

  2. I absolutely adore that illustration, Vanessa! Oh my goodness! Happiest of anniversaries to you both! ;)

  3. How beautiful, Vanessa!!! ♥
    All best wishes!!!!!!!!!

  4. Thanks Family!! You guys are so kind and thoughtful. You're the best!!

  5. Congrats to you and Ray, Vanessa! I just celebrated my 25th anniv on Tuesday! Hard to believe it's been that long, seriously, I can't be that old, can I?

  6. Aww, aren't you just too cute??? Congrats to the both of you, here's to many, many more years full of that icky yucky awesome love stuff!!


  7. What a wonderful illustration! Congrats and wishes for many more happy anniversaries!

  8. Oh my, he is the luckiest man alive, because, he has the most wonderful woman in the world!!!! Congrats to you both and many, many, many, many more!

  9. Oh, congratulations, you two love birdies! :)) Ain't it grand to be married to your best friend? Have fun! xox Pam

  10. AWWWWWWWW, happy anniversary to you and Ray, Vee. This year I will celebrate 26 years with my best friend. Here's too many more happy years together. We are blessed my friend. Love the illustration; the shoes are fabulous ;)
    Congrats sweetie! ♥ Hugs ♥

  11. Happy 17 years! Congrats! This post brought tears to my eyes and a smile on my face! Many blessing to come! xo

  12. Happy Anniversay! Wow....17 years...that is so cool! I love the drawing too that commemorates it. Wishing you more years of happiness to come!

  13. happy anniversary,
    dear lovey dove!
    & i adore what
    "the two of you"
    have drawn on
    your ground.
    & by the way,
    i'll have to
    send an
    email to
    i n t u i t i v e
    self! wowie!


  14. Happy Anniversary, Vanessa. What a wonderful blessing to have married your best friend! This is such a awesome tribute to that relationship. Love it! I also wanted to say how much it made my day that you found your way to my blog and left such a kind comment. You truly are an inspiration!

  15. Happy, happy, happy anniversary!!! And what a wonderful illustration!!!

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  17. Hey Vanessa, Happy anniversary to you and your husband!! Your anniversary illustration is very sweet!


    xoxox and more xoxo

  19. oh oh i added you on g+

    so happy to meet you there!!!!

  20. Oh, what a sweet illustration! Congrats and Happy Anniversary to you both! Such a warm post. Thanks for sharing!

  21. Happy anniversary sweet lady (though a bit late for it!) Keep smiling!!! And keep making us smile with your adorable posts!!!

    Cheers :)

  22. Thanks Everyone! You guys are the best! Have great week!

  23. I absolutely adored discovering your blog today!
    and yes best wishes too :) :


  24. YOWZA that is sooooo fabulous, Vanessa...the love you feel for your bestest friend is so apparent. Happiest of Anniversaries to you and Ray! I wish you many, many more. What a lovely tribute (song is awesome) and gorgeous illustration of you two playful kids. : )

  25. Happy anniversary to the both of you, and many , many more happy years to come! What an amazing piece, Vanessa-That orange is absolutely perfect! You out-do yourself every time!

    ...oh, and Ray is one lucky guy!

  26. Happy Anniversary to sweet loverlee yous twos.
    p.s. I am totally totally totally honored to be in the American Girl book with super awesome YOU ;)
    Have a super fabulous weekendio!

  27. This is a great illustration. Happy anniversary (sorry, with delay)

  28. Happy Anniversary, (a little belated) - May you celebrate many wonderful years of togetherness again and again! :o)

  29. WOW! Thats a long way, hoping this goes an even longer, happier way too! :) And the illustration is absolutely lovely :) Great going V! WOOHOO!!! :)

  30. Congratulations to the 2 of you!Love, love, love the illustration!

  31. AWWWWWWWWWW!!! Happy anniversary to you and your wonderful man! Seventeen. WOOOHOOOOO!!!

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