Friday, August 26, 2011

Fall Cometh

Getting our kids out into creation and away from the
T.V., Wii and Xboxes is so important. My little one can be
on that Xbox for hours if I let her. Now that we are living
in a new state, I want to get her into a new state of mind
and that is being out in creation. I love the fall. It's the best
time of the year to me. I am looking forward to the Autumn
crisp air and the changing of leaves. Heck, I'm looking forward
to weaving a few scarves that I've knitted over the summer and
showing them off he he he he! Well time to go and batten down
the hatches for the storm cometh! Earthquakes, record heat,
Hurricanes... are we having fun yet people??
Have a great, but safe weekend everyone!


  1. I love autumn, too! :) Everyone seems to hate for summer to end and although it does mean winter is on it's way, it also means that the most beautiful time of year is upon us. I don't blame you one bit for getting your daughter out into nature. She will definitely come to appreciate it. Cherished memories aren't made by playing video games. ;) (Although, they are fun! ;)

    I hope you and your family are able to stay safe this weekend, Vanessa! With any luck, it'll move out to sea and miss all of us entirely.

  2. V - I have to take a crow bar to my two teens to get them off of Xbox. I wish I was kidding - lol! I worry about them getting vitamin D deficiency!! Once they get out there in the world, they actually enjoy it. :) I love fall, too. I am happily making Halloween skellys! xox

  3. Very fresh colors! It captures that feeling of September just before the leaves change. We have a series of forested parks with many trails that I'm looking forward to taking my kids on in a few weeks!

  4. Haha! I love it, Vanessa. Adore the dad's orange pullover. My favorite color. You are so right about getting them disconnected and reconnected to nature and fresh air. I am so curious about Ispwich now. I hope you are enjoying this fine state despite all the odd events being thrown your way. It really is lovely in the fall.

  5. Another wonderful illo - love those colors! I can't wait for sweater weather. Stay safe and dry!

  6. Thanks beautiful people. You guys are the bestest in the world. I always tell you this, but it's the truth. You guys are the best. Have a wonderful weekend.

  7. Stay safe, V! I'll be thinking of all you East Coasters this weekend.

  8. Oh, I hope these nice people take cover from the wild natural events that have been rockin' the eastern parts toward summer's end! Who says all the shakin's out west? Hope the days are calmer as the season changes...Looking forward to seeing those scarves, too! You must share pics! :o)

  9. Gorgeous illustration Vee. I gave up trying to get my son off the Xbox and now he's making a career of it. LOL
    My daughter was suppose to go on vacation today to the Outer Banks and can't go because of the storm. Better batten down the hatches and take cover indeed. She was in that earthquake in Virginia too. Poor thing, the weather just won't give her a break.
    Hope your doing ok, record heat, viscous storms and earthquakes aside.

  10. I think you're right, kids spent too much time in front of tv and computers these days, it's great you are doing something about it. Love the illustration, specially the smiles on the children faces, they are so cute :)

  11. yes! the outdoors are sooooo good!
    they are happier for it...i've been bringing our guys to an outdoor pool a lot recently & it is truly magic! (i can just SEE one of your illustrations about that!).
    stay safe, my dear, in all the turning tides of the weather outside...
    lovelove, giant! XOX

  12. I love the energy, warmth and happiness of your characters. Hmmm...they are just like you! I have such fun when I visit. Major love being sent your way!

  13. Hey dear friend.....

    Autumn person here too; I love it. (of course, it's better without Mother Nature throwing a hissy FIT...)
    Get those kiddies OUT and see how wonderful the REAL world is!
    Praying y'all are safe thru this crazy storm. BIG prayers from Indiana; can you feel them???


  14. love the illo the colors are wonderful! i like fall too, but i have a mixed heart because i despise winter and i know that it is right around the corner. the only good thing about winter is the time i spend in my studio and getting back to my blog and blog buddies!

  15. Hi Vanessa, I'm so sorry it has been so long since I visited. I find it hard to keep up with all the blogs that I'm following now and unfortunetly sometimes some fall through the cracks. It was so lovely to catch up on your work and posts. I loved your story about your mother and Danny the little boy that she cared for, so touching. I have seen the trailer for 'The Help' and really want to see it!!! Lovely illustrations as always I will make sure I keep checking your blog as I enjoy reading your posts so much. Hope you are all safe where you are in your part of the world and the hurricane doesn't come your way!!! Take care oxoxo

  16. The exhilerating snap in the air, the bittersweetness I'm anticipating! I grew up playing in the woods unsupervised. Free range is the way to go. Your illustration exudes such rapturous joy!

  17. you're so inspiring! i loove to see your new work! amazin as usual, full of hapiness and lovely colors!


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