Friday, December 20, 2013

Wishing You All a very blessed and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Hugs, V

Saturday, December 14, 2013

If's "Spirit

Sarah told Ethan that her Great, Great Granny had the Christmas spirit in her mouth! Ethan did believe her. When Sarah's Great, Great Granny opened her mouth snow came out and so did the spirit of Christmas! Ethan is now a believer.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Hello All, Hope you All had a most wonderful Thanksgiving. The Holidays are here and before we know it the New Year will be too. I want to thank you all so very much for your awesome support and visits to my blog. It's been a blessing having you all as blogger friends. Okay so, there are a few character that I am working on. I illustrate people very well, but sometime I struggle with animals so I did these lions. Hopefully I get better and better. Wish luck! Later

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Wishing Everyone one a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving. Thankful for you friendship and your comments. Don't eat to much people! Hugs V

Monday, November 18, 2013

Hello Blogger Friends and Family, Soooooo sorry that I have been away so very long. I do apologize for that. Work calleth and I had to answer so I can keep food, roof and lights and computer on. Know what I mean??? I knew you would. It's been a long while. Gosh I miss you all so much! I really do. Life has been going on from deaths to births and jobs and no jobs and all kinds of good stuff. I say good because if we stay on the negative to long it will bring one down and as you know, and if you know Vanessa, that ain't me. Anywhooo, I am working on books and doing things that I hope share soon. Looking to do some videos on collage and showing you the day in the life of Vanessa Brantley-Newton. It's so not what you think LOL! Okay, so here are a few pieces that I have been working on. Still doing character studies and then there is a piece from a up coming book by Disney -Hyperion which is called "We Shall Over Come". And the very last is a personal piece. I think people are beautiful and that I get to capture them beautiful, flawed, happy or sad, is a blessing and it is my joy to share it all with you. Hope that you all are doing well and will be with the ones you love for the holiday. I will be back before then to share more with you all. Shalom and blessing!!

Monday, October 28, 2013


Hello Friends, Just dropped by to tell you about a cute new book by my dear Friend Bella Sinclair Bella is an amazing illustrator and has a sense of humor second to none!! This little book is just TO CUTEEEEEEE! I am soooo very proud of her!! YOU GO BELLA! How awesome is this! Of course we are looking to see more. You can purchase the book here on Amazon.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

I want to THANK EACH and EVERYONE of you who stopped by and left me such sweet and encouraging words at such a difficult time in my life. Your comments and words are like healing balm to my soul and I appreciate that you took time to say anything at all. God bless each of you. Now just a little something to make YOU smile. I love when Trick or Treaters come to my door. Honestly I do! I love the costumes and the cute little faces. They always bring a smile to my face. I just had to share a moment that I captured. These kids really made my day with their awesome costumes. Have a wonderful week beautiful people!!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Hello Good People!! It has been a super duper long time since I have had the pleasure of blogging. The last couple of weeks have been really very difficult for me and my family. I lost three very special people in my life. One right behind the other and it was devastating to say the very least. I have done more crying over the last couple of weeks then you even want to know about. Everyday day gets a little bit better. Today is one of those days. I had the pleasure to work with Debbie Levy a wonderful author of children's and young adult books. The book is called, " We Shall Over Come" Published by Disney-Hyperion Books. I am happy to share some of the pictures here with you. The release date is set for Dec 2013. You can find it at Barnes and Noble and Amazon. Hope you like it. Best to you all.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Have an exciting week beautiful people!!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Wishing everyone a whimsical and wonderful week! Keep smiling Y'all! V

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Pondering all this sweet and beautiful and very whimsical!! Someone very special, whom I love vey much, helped me in my greatest time of need. She didn't judge me, but loved me and helped me more than she will ever really know. I will always be grateful to her because people like her don't come into your life everyday. She is more precious than gold and sweeter then honey from a honey comb. We don't speak or email everyday. We don't do lunch every week. We don't even send each others birthday cards or anything, but she is family. My sister from another mother. Thinking of you today with so much appreciation and more love then one heart can hold.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Hello Blogger Family, Well it has indeed been a long time since I have posted anything. I have been so very busy with family and work up to my eyeballs. I am so grateful for work and all, but I really, really, really miss blogging and visiting your blogs!! Now that the children are back in school I should hope to find more time to blog. Please forgive me for not coming around to visit you all. I hope you all know that I appreciate your comments and encouragement. All of you are in my thoughts always. Your visits mean so much. Wishing you the sweetest week ever! Best to you all. Just a little project that I am working on. Stay Creative!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Thinking of you all today! All of my blogger friends. You are in my thoughts constantly. Sending each of you the biggest hug right now. Lord knows we need it. Hope that your day is filled with smiles and giggles and yes, a hug or two just when you need it most. Thinking of you Bella Sinclair!! Hugs

Saturday, July 13, 2013

If's Travel

One day I will travel to see Laura Muvla. She is my new muse and I love her sound and her beautiful spirit

Friday, July 12, 2013

Hello Blogger Family, Hope that you all are enjoying your summer! It's been raining here in Charlotte, NC for about 3 weeks now and I need some sunshine beautiful people. If there is anyone who can lend me some sun, please let me know as soon as possible as I think I am gettin' all pruney. Some good things are happening and I think that the rain is a good indicator for that. Last week I was interviewed by Rachel Awes, of Allididwaslisten and I just finished another awesome interview with Koosje Koene on her fantastic blog Here is a little excerpt from her blog. Finally, my very first Online Character Design Workshop is ready to be launched. Below is a little sneak peek. It's a 4-week workshop starting Monday August 5. It ends on Saturday the 31st of August. There are limited seats, so be quick to enroll! Read all about it by clicking here Then another interview with Julie Danielson of Kirkus Reviews. and Seven Impossible Things before Breakfast!! Thank you Lord for the wonderful people that you have given me through Blogging. You beautiful souls have been such a bright spot in and through some very, very rough times. Thanks so much for your support and encouragement. It's such a blessing! Shalom to you all.

Friday, July 5, 2013

All I Did Was Listen Rachel Awes Shares My Art Work

Hello Bloggers, Hope that you all had a wonderful holiday and if you are still enjoying the holiday that it's filled with lots of good food, friends, and family. Rachel Awes of, invited me to share to how I listen with my brand of art. I really, really love Rachel's blog. She has been a great inspiration to me as an illustrator and artist. She is also a fantastic Artist and illustrator too. She is a great listener as well. Check out her blog for her new book named after her blog! YOU WILL LOVE IT A wonderful journal that will warm your heart and inspire you to just listen. Thank you Rachel for letting me share my art with you and your blogger. XOXOXOXOX

Friday, June 28, 2013

I really, really miss all of my blogger friends. Sending you all so much happiness and joy today. Have a blessed weekend beautiful people. Me Shalom

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Hello Blogger Friends, It's been a while I know! Hope that all of your are enjoying your summer and that all is well with you and your families. Well it's wedding season and I have so many request for wedding invites and things. I just did this cute one for some close family friends. They have had a very hard time trying to find invites and special things that reflect who they are as couple. Actually it's been kinda painful for them and now it is my joy to present this wedding invite to the both of them and take away a bit of the pain! Congrats Kela and Jacob!! Tearfully Happy V

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Arrrrrgggghhhh There Mates Thank you so much for your sweet and kind comments. I read all of them and I am so grateful that you fabulous people still take time out of your busy day to come a visit and leave such kind words and encouragement!!! This Pirate is up to she skivvies in work! Will be back soon. Arrrggghhh!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Unleash your Cereal Super Hero today! Stay Crunchy!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Hear this my friends, You are beautifully and wonderfully made! Have a great week!!

Monday, May 6, 2013

A few weeks ago, I was commissioned to create a handmade picture book for actress Kerry Washington, star of ABC's “Scandal”. It was an exciting project and it allowed me to work alongside some beautifully talented women: my sisters Coy LaVerne Brantley Curry and Moo Karen McLendon Gunter, along with my sister-friend, Editor Karen Procter. This beautiful project was for the community organization, Cool Culture (, which addresses the absence of low-income families in the audiences of New York's wonderful arts, cultural, and scientific institutions. Bevy Smith, (Host of Dinner With Bevy- www.dinnerwithbevy), graciously presented the book to Kerry Washington. To God Be All the Glory for the opportunities that HE presents. Our God IS AWESOME!!!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Hope that you are having a wonderfully creative day!!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Somewhere over the rainbow birds fly high Be very careful when you look up for they might just poop in your eye! My version..... Have a great week.