Jasmine's confidence on the inside always took care of her "Flawed" outside!
I find it so amazing how we as women and sometimes men, measure
ourselves by what we see in magazines and television.
Everyday products are shoved at us with a price tag and promise that it will make
us look better ,feel better and sometimes perform better. As a makeup
artist, I get people asking me to make them look like this star or
someone else. It's a whole lot of pressure honestly. Some of them look
nothing like the people they admire. I can use the same brand of makeup and
technique, but in the end you can only be you. Flawed or not
the only you, you will ever have is you! Don't let it get lost
in someone else's idea of beauty is. Sometimes the very thing
that we deem a flaw is the very thing that makes us unique and beautiful!
"I am fearfully and wonderfully made and my soul know it right well"
Psalms 139:13-14