Friday, August 28, 2009


His wife was concerned about his health and quickly placed him on the latest diet plan.
The man wasn't even trying to hear anything about any new Magnify Diet!
This diet came complete with super magnifying glass, instructions and a card that said, "Good Luck Sucker!" I suppose you want to know what the instructions said???
Yup you guessed it!!! Hold the super magnifying glass up to your small portion breakfast,
lunch or dinner to, of course make it appear to be a larger portion, there by satisfying your
desire for a larger meal. He he he!
Have a good one folks

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Have you ever had one of those days as an illustrator or, one who creates, when you just can't seem to do anything right??? Maybe your wrote down the message wrong or you didn't get all that the client said before you hung up the phone? Oh well, anyway, I had the kind of day. I think my brain fell out of my head and somehow ended up on the bottom of my shoe. Okay, the client asked me to do character studies, but some how I totally missed what style they wanted it in. They wanted my tradition collage style seen here.
Anyway, now that we are all on the same piece of paper I can start doing what they have requested of me. Lesson learned: Get all the information you can before you start a job. Listen very intently and purposefully as well. Write every single thing down. Ask questions. If they have samples of your work as them to refer to the style the would like you have you do the work in. Of course their time is important, but so is YOURS. Get as much as you can so that you can follow through without problems. I have bared my soul today and I'm just going to laugh this one off. So don't laugh at me laugh with me. Oops hee he he hee!
Have a good one Yall

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Let Freedom Sing On Just One More Book

Hey Family, I got this wonderful email from two creators of a wonderful
Podcast called, Just One More Book. They shared with me that they choose
my most recent book, "Let Freedom Sing" to be a part of their discussion
on todays show at 12:00pm. I am so honored and humbled by this. If you
get a moment or two would you please be my guest and tune in? Just click on the link here
share.php and it will take you to the site. Thanks so very much my friends. I so appreciate eac and everyone of you precious, precious souls. Sending very many hugs out to all today.
Keep your heads up and let your light shine


Monday, August 24, 2009

Drum City (sneak Peak)

Hey there Family,
Some of you know that I have been busy working on a couple of new projects.
One of which was a wonderful story called, "Drum City".
It is due to be released sometime this year before Christmas
through Tricycle Press. It's a fun book about a boy who is over
heard playing his little pots and pans in his backyard. Everyone
in the neighborhood becomes curious and wants to joins in. Both children and adults
find all kinds of objects to make a drums from and form a city wide band!
The whole city becomes one big drumming band.
I have to say I so enjoyed working on this project. I got stretched
in so many different ways he he he he!
I will tell you that this is not the business for thin skinned illustrators.
Just because you like your illustration doesn't mean everyone else
will and so you have to take the critics and comments on the chin, build up
a thick skin and of course, don't take it personal. Remember this is what you love to do!
I have learned so much through the process. I will forever be a student
because I love to learn. With each new project I learn something new.
Here are just two spreads that I would
like to share with you. I'll let you know when it goes on sale.

Friday, August 21, 2009


Tabitha told her father
not to add to much
yeast. " I know what I'm
doing honey." he replied.
She had cautioned him
many, many times before.
There is still remains from
his last meal on the ceiling.
hee he hee !
Have a wonderful weekend!

Meet Davelean

Hello There,
Meet Davelean. She is just one of the newest
characters that I have had the pleasure to
work on. I love developing character for
books. So, of course I want to know what
Yall think. She is about 6 ish or 7.
Have a good one!

Monday, August 17, 2009


I got one of the nicest surprises on last week from a wonderful friend
Caren Caren has one of the most beautiful
Blogs around. It's like a going to high tea, A garden party, girls night outs,
and A fabulously delightful Shabby Chic shop all in one!!! It's a pleasure so please
when get a moment or two check it out. Caren has was she calls,

Welcome to PINK SATURDAY! Has another week gone by so quickly? So glad you stopped by to visit me's another GIVEAWAY!

In honor of our new website (see previous post), we are giving away to one LUCKY winner, a FAIRY DOOR of your choice. We have plenty that are PINK but you don't have to choose a pink one! Please leave a comment and if you would like you can jump on over to our website -( just click that button over there on the right) and let me know in your comment which Fairy Door you prefer!

Well I won!!!! Yeah, they picked my name out of hat and I won! I'm so excited about my little fairly door.
here is a picture of what these awesome fairy door look like!
So cute!!!

They are the cutest item. A beautifully painted door with wonderful details. If you would like to see it close up take a peek at
Of course if you would like to purchase one you can purchase online as well.
Thanks again Caren. I will treasure my Fairy door and take a picture of it when it comes so
you can all see where I've placed it. Thanks again Caren you made my day!!!
Have a good one everyone!

Saturday, August 15, 2009


Auntie Harriet had kept the poor thing hidden in the back of the closet
until just the right time. She had worn Trixie to her high school prom
and wanted Jillian to help keep the tradition going.
Poor Jillian she had always known that Auntie Harriet
wasn't "Wrapped" to tight. Trixie was still alive and kicking!!!
hee he hee!!!
Have a great weekend everyone!

Friday, August 14, 2009

I'm doing the Happy Dance over these Awards!

I have been blessed to know so many, many wonderful and talented people
out in what I like to call, "Blogland". Some of these beautiful souls are
fabulous people that I might not have ever gotten the chance to meet
at any other time in this life. I hold things thing as precious and priceless.
I view each of you as valuable and precious. We are like vapors. Here
one beautiful moment and gone the next. I have been given some very
sweet awards and I want to thank these fabulous people.
First a very talent woman and sisterfriend Michelle Henniger
for the "Superior Scibbler Bloggy Award. Thank you so much Michelle I will always cherish this fine award.
This next ward was given to me by Janine who is a fabulous
artist and illustrator be sure and check out her blog. Thank you so much for this wonderful and fun award I really appreciate your kindness.
The next award comes from talented friend, who made me drool all over my computer key this morning
with her latest post called, " Food Art".
I gained 50 pounds while looking at it and reading it! thank you
Miss D BTW this award was created by Diana!
Then there is Ms.Shirley
The Bella Sinclair award has come full circle and this is just fabulous!
I love you Bella Sinclair
Thank you so very much my friends. I am so blessed by all of your kindness!
Thank you all for sharing these award with me and I will pass them on later
on in September as I am in the middle of working on some projects.
Thanks again Lovely Ladies you ROCK!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Mermaids a Plenty

Lately, this is the only way I can get Zoe into the tube.
Hee hee hee!
Have a good one!

Saturday, August 8, 2009


Mr. Cobblepot grew more and more impatient with the thing that followed him.
His, "Impatient" character had always chased the ladies away. Girlfriend
was merely trying to give him a clue.
hee he hee he!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

About a month ago I got the most wonderful surprise from my very sweet Sisterfriend,
Ces This is a very special
blog award named after the a wonderfully, talented and hilarious children's book illustrator
and artist Bella Sinclair.

Both of these talented woman have been an inspiration in my life while at this blog.
I love them both for their unique styles and contagious humor.
They keep all of us in stitches out here in blog land. They are also very inspiring and encouraging as well.
It has been my awesome honored to receive such an award.
As many of you already know Bella and her children suffered a great lost
this year when her loving husband past suddenly.
It deeply touched all of our hearts. Bella is much like this beautiful
oak that Ces writes about. She is strong and sturdy and give much shade to all
that come near her. To Bella, know that you and the girls are in my heart and
prayers always and remember to laugh. Laughter maketh like a medicine and there is much healing in yours.
I waited purposely before posting this award because I really wanted to give it
to some very special Sister and brother friends in my life.
Those who have encouraged me when I really felt like giving up somedays.
Some of you will never ever know how powerful your comment are to me.
My heart just wells up with such gratefulness. The world is a better place
because of all of you. All of you beautiful souls who create works of wonder.
Thanks so much for sharing your talents with all of us.
And now I would like to present this awesome award to the following persons.

Mr. Eric Barclay
Mr. Peter Breese
Ms. Cheryl Pastor
Ms. Yoon See
Mrs. Roberta Barid
Ms. Tessa
Ms. Indigene
Ms. Amy Cartwright
Ms. Kathy Hare
Ms. Froggie
Mr. Tomas

You wonderful souls are such an inspiration to me. Thank you for being a friend.
I will be giving this award out again in about week so look out!
Have a great day.
Now pass it on!!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Happy Anniversary Raymond

This is one of the scenes from a commissioned picture book that was
requested by Scholastic employees for their boss's retirement.
They told me that He an his wife of many years, love to travel.
On August 4th My best friend, lover, husband, and yes baby daddy
will be celebrating 14 years of marriage. Ray says that it's 14
years I say it's more hee hee hee! Ray, You are truly one of the
best choices I've ever made in life. We have been through so much
together and yet here we are. Still standing. Grow old along with me
the best is yet to be! Though tomorrow is not promised to us,
I just want to let you know today, I LOVE YOU BABY hee he hee!