Hello Everyone,
I would like to share some wonderful news with you all. My baby Sister
Coy Curry of 2geecheegirls.blogspot.com
along with our sistergirl Wendy Jean of Redhipppbox.com
are about to release a brand new fabulous
CD of children's music called Neo Soul Nursery Rhymes Vol. 1.
I am so excited for them! They have really worked so very hard
on this awesome project. This is something fresh and new I promise.
Have you ever been stuck in the car with your child or children and asked
to play the same songs over and over again??? You know, those songs
that make you want to.... oh well.... umm... pull your hair out and
scream to the top of your lungs??? Okay this is the remedy for that.
Neo Soul Nursery Rhymes has something for everyone. It's old
school rhymes set to a neo soul sound. If you like Jill Scott, Nora Jones,
OutKast, or Common then you are going to enjoy this little slice of
heaven. I kid you not, you will find yourself singing the tunes along
with the kids. I had the joy and honor of doing the CD art as well as
writing some of the songs and yes singing. Some of you know that
I am a musician and singer as well. You will get to hear
my big mouth on most of the songs like "The Wheels on the Bus
and Hey Diddle, Diddle. You can check out what it sound like at their website
You can also purchase it there as well. It will be released at the end of
the month, but you are welcome to pre-order if you would like.
To Coy and Wendy, thanks so much for letting me share in your
joy! You make me so very proud! You ladies, of course,
I want to Thank all of you for your support in advance. It means so
much! Thanks again.
P.S. just click on the link on the side bar to the right.